Bake Sale Thursday, Sept. 10 at Island Market

— from Carol Kulminski —


The American Cancer Society is having their RELAY FOR LIFE on Friday Harbor, Saturday, September 26th starting at noon. The theme this year is “Islands of Hope” and includes all of the San Juan Islands. Several of us from Orcas will be going to the San Juan Fairgrounds for the Survivor Lap, followed by the Survivor Reception.

The Cancer Support Group here on Orcas will be having a bake sale of healthy items to buy on September 10th at the Island Market. The sale is taking the place of their regularly scheduled meeting in order to support the RELAY FOR LIFE. There will be registration forms for anyone who would like to participate in the walk. Last year, the people who participated from Orcas had such a great time, they are returning this year!

For more information about the RELAY FOR LIFE, contact
To donate food items or money, contact Carol or Bogdan at 376-4198.