From Barbara Jensen, San Juan Islands Audubon Society

In celebration of the spring birding season San Juan Islands Audubon will be co-sponsoring a presentation on the watercolors of John James Audubon and offering a field trip on San Juan Island, Sunday, April 15.

All islanders of any birding skill are welcome to the free field trip that will meet at the San Juan Community Theater parking lot at 8:30 am.

Bring binoculars, dress for cool weather, wear sturdy walking shoes or boots and be prepared for possible rain. Snacks are always a good idea. No dogs please. Plan on carpooling for this approximately 3-hour trip. Contact Barbara Jensen with questions, 378-3068.

Stay after the field trip for a presentation at 2 p.m. in the San Juan Community Theater, co-sponsored by the San Juan Islands Museum of Art called: A (NATURALIZED) AMERICAN  ORIGINAL: JOHN JAMES AUDUBON AND THE BIRDS OF AMERICA . Annette Blaugrund, former Director of the National Academy Museum and Andrew Mellon Senior Curator at the New York Historical Society will lecture on the life and times of John James Audubon.

Having had the privilege of working at the Historical Society directly with the watercolors for the Birds of America, Audubon’s magnum opus that now sells for millions of dollars, she will describe his process in making the hand-colored aquatint engravings, his work in the United States and abroad, and tell how this dashing Frenchman became the quintessential American pioneer. With numerous illustrations comparing his drawings of birds with the published prints, Dr. Blaugrund will bring to life this extraordinary artist, naturalist, and entrepreneur. Tickets are $15 Adult, $7 Student, $5 Rush, available at the door or online at  Join us for a full day of birding and the life of Audubon.