— from Milene Henley —

With the primary election almost over, the general election can’t be far behind. This November’s ballot promises a number of measures, both local and statewide. For all ballot measures submitted by local governments, it is the responsibility of the district to appoint committees to write arguments for and against the measure. If the district is unable to appoint committees, that responsibility falls to the County Auditor.

San Juan County Elections is expecting five different local tax measures on the November ballot.  Two of the jurisdictions running those measures have already said they can’t find writers against the tax measures. Others may do the same. For that reason, County Auditor Milene Henley is seeking people interested in writing arguments against any of the following measures.

The five expected measures are:

  1. San Juan County EMS property tax levy
  2. Town of Friday Harbor .2% sales tax to create a Transportation Benefit District
  3. Orcas Island School District property tax levy (not yet submitted)
  4. Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District property tax levy (not yet submitted)
  5. San Juan County property tax levy lid lift, replacing the levy lid lift approved in 2009 (not yet submitted)

Please contact the Auditor at mileneh@sanjuanco.com, or (360) 370-7558, if you are interested in opposing any of the measures, if you know someone else who might be, or even if you just want to learn more about them.