Monday Apr. 2, 6 p.m. at Orcas Center

“The Butterfly Effect” will be a show based on local, true stories about coming out as gay or lesbian, and experiences, both negative and positive, during school years. Local contributor’s stories have been adapted into a script by writer Janet Brownell, and will be directed for the stage, within a multi-media experience, by Jake Perrine. The show will run June 1-3 in the Black Box at Orcas Center.

Local talent are needed to act out these stories. Auditions for adults are Monday 4/2 or Tuesday 4/3 at 6 p.m. in the Center Stage at Orcas Center. You do not need to prepare anything for these “auditions” – just come in comfortable clothes ready to read, move and have fun. People ages 16 and up (of any gender / sexual orientation) are encouraged to participate.

Rehearsals will begin the following week with just two rehearsals a week, and grow in number to 3-4 a week in May as the show gets closer. Rehearsals will be predominantly on weekday evenings.

A bit more info from Sparks:

“You may have heard about a project we are developing on Orcas Island…. Last year, Orcas Center and the Orcas Island Education Foundation applied for a grant from the Orcas Island LGBT fund to create a theater piece in June. We were thrilled to be fully funded for the joint project entitled “The Butterfly Effect.” The theater production is inspired by Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” project. It is Dan Savage’s hope to show young LGBT people the levels of happiness, potential, and positivity their lives will reach – if they can just get through their teen years.

“The “It Gets Better Project” wants to remind teenagers in the LGBT community that they are not alone — and it WILL get better. To see more about It Gets Better, go to:

For more information, leave a comment, message Jake Perrine, or please contact or call 360-376-2281 ext. 2.”