Wednesday, October 18, 10 a.m., Orcas Center Madrona Room

— from Helen Huber for Orcas Garden Club —

What do hummingbirds, butterflies and bees have in common?  They all pollinate flowering plants.  Animals and insects pollinate 90 percent of all plants, including 1/3 of all the foods we eat- fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and beans. Our flora and fauna also depend on pollinators. Many butterfly and bee species have disappeared or are at risk due to habitat loss and pesticide use.

We can do our part by creating gardens and landscapes that attract and support pollinators. Native plants support 15 times more pollinators than non-native plants, are better adapted to local conditions, and add beauty to any garden or landscape. In this presentation Jane will suggest native plants to use in pollinator-friendly gardens to increase biodiversity and protect wildlife habitat.

Jane Wentworth has been a Master Gardener since 2013 and has a Masters degree in Botany.  She specializes in identifying and promoting native plants, and in the prevention and management of invasive plants. She is a life member of the Washington Native Plant Society (WNPS), and currently serves as the chairperson for our local WNPS chapter.  Jane lives on San Juan Island and loves to be outdoors observing nature, gardening, and learning about both native and invasive plants.

The Garden Club is always happy to welcome new members.  Hope to see you there.