— from the Plan Ahead San Juans Steering Committee, updated Feb. 2 at 1 p.m. —

Do you love living in the San Juans and want to ensure your vision is honored? Please join us in a discussion about the San Juan County Comprehensive Plan Update with County Council member Rick Hughes. Friday, February 2nd, 2018 @ 4:30pm at the Orcas School Cafeteria

Come Prepared!
Here are some reference materials:

We have arranged to meet with Rick to hear his perspective on the above topics and determine how we can best work with the county to protect our community’s vision far into the future. This is intended to be a thoughtful, amicable, and informative discussion.

We hope that you will join us and bring your unique point of view to the table!

Here are a few of the key topics for our discussion with Rick:

+ Our request to expand the scope of the Land Use Analysis into that of a Full Build-out Analysis. (This data will help us determine how our islands would look if/when every parcel is developed to its potential as defined by the existing density map).

+ Suggestions for how we would like the county to engage the community through education and conversations on all aspects of the Comp Plan Update.

+ How we can inspire the county to provide the public with easy to understand explanations of comp plan data, designed for the layperson and not simply for professional planners and lawyers.

+ For clarity regarding the term “population.” Washington State’s Growth Management Act (GMA), under which this Comp Plan update is being guided, is limited to recognizing only the full-time permanent resident population. However, as you know, in addition to full-time residents, there are two other population groups that our county deals with: part-time property owners and visitors. These additional population groups impact us significantly but are not legally part of the GMA Comp Plan update process.

+ + + We are asking the County Council to intentionally pause the existing update schedule to allow time for the following …

1. Construct a comprehensive build-out analysis in clear, simple and easily understood language. Another term for this is a “truth in planning” statement.

2. Distribute this analysis through many channels so that all residents know it exists and have time to digest it.

3. Develop a comprehensive, thorough and action-oriented community conversation process that discusses the implications of the build out analysis and resolves any possible issues of inconsistency with the county’s Vision Statement, GMA, and essential public resources (water, transportation, etc.).

4. Ensure that the results of the community conversation process are codified into the county’s legal framework.

The group discussion begins at 4:30pm.

Our meeting with Rick will be from 5:30 – 6:30pm.

Please join us!