Thank you for your patience as we worked to identify programs, volunteers instructors and facility availability. While we were able to provide beautiful park space and limited programming through the pandemic, we are so excited to have restrictions lifting and be ramping back up our recreational offerings!
Like everyone else we are experiencing a shortage in staff, instructors and volunteers. If you are interested in helping out, email Terri Rodgers at terri@oiprd.org. We have several volunteer positions open, as well as two staff positions. Information on employment opportunities can be found on our website at orcasparkandrec.org/employment/
We’ll be adding more programs throughout the summer as we secure volunteers, instructors and staff. In the meantime check out our current offerings!
For a full list of camps, clinics, classes and drop-in sports, visit: apm.activecommunitites.com/oiprd/Active_Search
Happy Summer!