IMA Islands Artists’ Registry Show
 Opens Saturday, Nov. 21 in Friday Harbor

— from Diane Martindale —

"Loose Ends" by BJ Arnold

“Loose Ends” by BJ Arnold will be exhibited along with other works by artists from all county islands Nov. 21, 2015 through Jan. 11, 2016

(Featured photograph, “Ancient Lesson” by JoEllen Moldoff)

The San Juan Islands Museum of Art (IMA) welcomes the community to our fourth annual “IMA Islands Artists’ Registry”—an exhibition of artworks by more than 70 Artists’ Registry members from San Juan County!

This is a joyous affair, with a riot of art and color displaying an amazing range of talent from across the islands. Look forward to the impressive diversity of talent with paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolor, and encaustic, as well as pastels, photography, mixed media, pottery, sculpture, glass, wood, textiles, and jewelry by Artists’ Registry members.

This year’s show, organized around Tattered, Torn & Sepia features emerging and established artists expressing the beauty, identity, authenticity and connectedness of our community.

The Opening Reception will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 20. All are welcome.

The exhibit runs Saturday, Nov. 21, 2015 through January 11, 2016. Museum hours are 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday through Monday. Admission is free.