Mathew Chasanoff, at left, with his kindergarten class, and their artwork. Artist Michelle DeLong is at far right, and donor Millie Vaccarella is next to Michelle


By Janet Brownell, Orcas Island Education Foundation President

Orcas artist Michelle DeLong helped Mathew Chasanoff’s kindergarten class make a large collage/painting for the OIEF “Food for Thought” event, featuring student artwork.

Donor Millie Vaccarella bought the piece during the live auction.  She then donated it back to the school so the class could see it every day as they came into school.

It now hangs just inside the front door, and right out side the Principal’s office. The Orcas Island Education Foundation (OIEF)  and especially the kindergarten class thank Millie for her generosity and Michelle for the artist supervision.