In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate and highlight our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to again offer daily poetry during April.

Still Now

— Margie Doyle —

Treading softly
Dawn lights the sky
The cat wants out

I stand
Still I stand
Tears at the ready

As is my pen
The artist’s easel
Face down in the rain

The cat cries
The sun-starved plants
In the rain

I still stand
Doing nothing

Tears at the ready
Counting the days
Become eternity

This is where I stand
With the wind blowing
And the cat crying

Regrets, remorse
Regret like vinegar
Guilt like bile

Redemption like silver
Blinded by the sun
I see that I am still

The cat stalks the bird in the sunshine
And the breeze ruffles the pine trees
With the ‘copter sounding overhead
A rescue mission to save a life

Perhaps it is better
To let the matured soul go
To the freedom
From pain and struggle

Born again as a mossy spore
That spreads to cover the winter hardness
Dark and soft yes
Like a hummed lullaby

The cat scratches its chin
On the sodden planter
Still green parsley springs up
Fly away birds