Do not approach fearfully

by Margie Doyle

Approach lightly, bravely
As a sure-footed animal
Accustomed to climbing the perilous
Heights of home

when you go through the door
Unexpected love awaits
With a kiss for your hurt
With stalwart defense
With a healer’s cool or warm hands –whatever you need
With laughter that send tears
Spilling down your mountain face

With romps in the fields of patience and arrival

With nights of close comfort
As the undeserved gusts and attacks
Hail down upon you
And fear of unknown monsters
Makes you thrill to be safe and with friends

With the ease of milk from your mother
And refreshing footbaths from rocky creeks
Leading you to cliffs of heartbreaking beauty

This is why your heart bursts and you enter now a world unknown

With deep-drawn breaths and exultant cries

Your heart bursting with love

Your heart and breath radiating love
Your soul and self emerge to grace the others
And embrace the shadow that needs the sun

Then, with your wounds, blessings and comrades
You open your arms wide
To close only in warm embrace of another
And another

To sing the ballads and lullabies
laments and love songs
Endless gifts and just rewards
Neither a party nor a task
But a gathering

The wholeness of life, the wholeness of love
Awaits you.

With the life struggle
You are well come