In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

Dead Reckoning

The sea was calm
when first I cast my unused line.
Aptly, adeptly you caught it.
Your calloused, knowing hands
twisting, caressing, releasing the braid
until waters began to undulate.

The more I was tossed,
the more you reeled in
with forbidden promise.

I altered my heading,
sought your salacious shore,
certain you would step aboard.

We shared the taste of our saltiness
explored far reaches of fantasy and possibility.

As I dipped my toes
in shallow shoals
I pulled now-whetted line to find no resistance—
My tether lay free on the waves.

Not knowing if line was merely loosed
or intentionally sliced
I madly reeled in as tsunami consumed me.

Unable to see you on the shore,
I know not if you waved.
I know not if you watched me flail out to sea.
I know not if you turned and ran.

I am left
drenched in saline,
most of it mine
yet a pinch
still tastes like you.

© Lin McNulty