Sunday, July 1, 12 Noon, The Barnacle

— from Susan Anderson for Children’s House —

Honorary mayoral candidates Sgt. Pepper, Tinker, Rocky, and Ginger will face tough questions during the Second Annual Mayoral Debate July 1 at The Barnacle.

The one-of-a-kind event, moderated by Evan Wagoner-Lynch, is bound to incite back-biting, mudslinging, and out-and-out lying as candidates enter the home-stretch.  Election Commissioner Grayson Rosenberg, a previous participant with current Mayor Hudson, says “Expect the unexpected at the debate. Last year, a sudden hiss from Dr. Spyder sent three canine candidates scrambling for cover – an obvious ploy by the cat to intimidate competitors.” Caught on film, the embarrassing scene went viral, throwing the canine camps into full-blown damage-control during the final days of the 2017 campaign.

While the race doesn’t include a feline this year – “whatever” – no one expects the debate to be without incident.  Dark horse candidate, Ginger, the only female in the race, is expected to draw largely on her ability to connect with female voters. Wascally Wabbit Tinker, will try to span the gender gap “shaking hands and kissing babies.”  Montreal-born Sgt. Pepper, hopes to set the record straight concerning his residency status and eligibility. Miniature poodle and underdog Rocky, expects to showcase his credibility and spark last-minute voting.

Reservations are not required for the event but seating is limited. The debate begins at 12 PM noon.  (Yes, Ginger will be there.) The Barnacle will offer drink specials in honor of the event.   Attendance is free. Votes (and then more votes) will be available for purchase.

This is an equal opportunity event. Absolutely anyone can buy the election through 3 p.m. July 7. Learn more at