Seabastian Paige, incoming Orcas High School freshman, helps put away fresh green beans during Farm to Cafeteria's 5th Season

By Madie Murray

More than 200 lbs of fresh food right out of the ground was processed and frozen for use in the school cafeteria menus this coming school year.

Deliveries from La Campesina, Black Dog and Morningstar Farms of Yukon Gold potatoes, rhubarb, beets, chard, cabbage, kale, onions, garlic, basil, sour cherries, green beans, and zucchini squash were made early Tuesday morning.

By noon Wednesday, F.E.A.S.T. students and community volunteers had finished washing, slicing, dicing, grating, bagging, tagging and freezing everything.  It’s expected we may have another day of processing later in September of other items that were just not quite ready to harvest right now because of the cool summer such as tomatoes, plums and berries.

Thanks to Bruce Orchid who pulled it all together and took command, F.E.A.S.T. students Sophie Prewitt, Sebastian Paige, Bailey Johnson, Ursula Pamatian and Iris Parker-Pavitt, as well as Farm to Cafeteria members Whitney Hartzell, Margie Doyle and Garden Keeper Chelsea Cates.  Couldn’t have done it without you!!

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