— from Susan Anderson, Children’s House —

Gus CIn conjunction with a family nutrition education program, early learning center Children House is once again sponsoring “Eat for A Week,” a raffle which includes meals for two at 10 local restaurants.

Children’s House uses the annual raffle to focus attention on instilling good nutrition practices, which can last a lifetime. Children are notoriously picky eaters, but nutrition experts say their tastes mature and parents can model good practices even when dining out. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends parents teach kids to slow down and savor flavors. “Parents are powerful role models so set a good example by setting a relaxed pace. Dining out with small children helps encourage a healthy curiosity about food and how to behave at the table.”

Tickets sales begin April 4th and can be purchased from Children’s House families, online via www.oich.org, weekends outside Island Market, and May 2nd at the Farmers Market. For as little as $20, ticket holders have the chance to win meals valued at more than $500. Preschoolers host the winner to an afternoon tea, serving cucumber sandwiches, tea and homemade teapot cookies.

Featured meals for two are provided this year through the generosity of local restaurants Café Olga, Deer Harbor Inn, The Lower Tavern, Mias, Mijitas, New Leaf Café (Outlook Inn), Portofinos, Rosario, Casa Casuale at Random Howse and The Kitchen. Proceeds benefit the toddler and preschool programs of Children’s House, which hopes to raise $5,000.

“Eat for A Week,” concludes May 2 when the winning ticket is drawn at the Farmer’s Market; winner need not be present.