Orcas Center continues with their livestream offerings on Friday, October 30, with a special double-bill of musicians Chill Collins and Kellen and Kique.

Chill Collins offers space sounds, glitter fuzz, archipelago dream noise (among other nonsense). Check into a room at the Chillton with these local boi’s slick shoed indie rock, glamorous punk, and wild and viscous jams. Raucous licks, surfy, psychedelic tones, and syrupy harmonies are a
few of the sonic tenants that make these lovable goofballs an act not to be missed.

Kellen and Kique is a clanky bones music group that is trying to use polyrhythms to summon anti-colonial spirits from the island deep.

You can watch Orcas Center’s livestream of these talented local musicians by visiting www.OrcasCenter.org at 7 pm on October 30.