Tuesday, January 10, 1 – 2:30 p.m., Senior Center

— from Rosie Kuhn —

Aging and Independence
Are You Growing Independence, Killing It, or Letting it Go Quietly?

Through the aging process, each of us witness so many changes occurring in our bodies, in our minds, and in our spirits. One question that takes up so much space in our minds is: How do we stay in control of our independence? One other question that plagues us is: How do we know when it’s time to be more dependent on those we need?

Join Dr. Rosie Kuhn on January 10, from 1-2:30, for a discussion on how to empower ourselves to consciously choose how to age gracefully and powerfully. This event is open to people of all ages, and will be held at the Senior Center.

Dr. Rosie is a member of our community. She is a life and spiritual coach, and has written many books on living consciously, such as Self-Empowerment 101, and If Only My Mother Had Told Me! She was worked with many people regarding those very personal issues of aging that, though universal in nature, are rarely talked about or discussed out loud.

Kuhn said, “So many of us are living with our aging process silently. We feel vulnerable to speak out loud about the things that are real to us – such as our fear of isolation, fear of dependence, of losing our health, or disappearing into an old age facility where we may lose not only our sense of self, but also our dignity.

Arron Redford, Senior Center Manager at the Orcas Senior Center approached Dr. Rosie, and requested that she present a workshop on Aging and Independence, with the intention that if there were enough people interested, an ongoing discussion group would emerge. Rosie was more than happy to develop the topic and facilitate the conversation at the upcoming January 10th event.

This event is open to people of all ages. Dr. Rosie suggested that children of aging parents will gain as much from this discussion as those who are living in their own aging process. “We are all aging, and we are all having to be with the dilemmas of aging, no matter how young or old. It is just part of our human experience. And, I believe that the more conscious we are about this process, the more we can contribute to a thriving lively-hood for all of us.

For more information about this Event or about aging issues, contact Rosie at 360-376-4323.