— from Barbara Bevens —

We know that the first fair in San Juan County was in 1906. What we don’t know is what happened with Fairs until records began in 1921.

I need to do some research with the Historical Societies from all of the islands. But, until then, here is the first story from the Friday Harbor Journal, March 3, 1921.

To be Held Under Auspices of Farm Bureau

According to the report of the committee appointed by the San Juan County Farm Bureau a county fair will be held in Friday Harbor during the month of October, unless some other community offers better inducements in the way of transportation and housing of exhibits.
(How’s that for a one sentence entire paragraph?)

The members of this committee are L. L. Salisbury of Friday Harbor, A. T. Erb of Port Stanley and J. T. Geoghegan of East Sound who further state that premiums will be awarded for exhibits from schools and school children; and all teachers are earnestly invited to co-operate with the local committee to make the fair a success.
(Again with the single sentence paragraph!)

Ribbons will be awarded for exhibits in the adult division and premiums, if finances will permit.
It is planned to have scows leave West Sound and Lopez for the free transportation of Exhibits and exhibitors. School children will be carried and admitted free on Saturday.

The public is urged to watch the Journal for further details. Premium lists and names of local committees will be published as soon as possible.

Clearly the founding fathers of the fair had some experience in details from previous events. I really need to go further back in time. Don’t we all wish it could be this simple today?

Thanks for reading!



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