About a week ago, I became the Chair of the 40th Legislative District (LD) Democrats! And I want to let you know that, on March 26, I’ll be helping run the 40th LD Democrats’ Caucus. The purpose of the LD Caucus is to elect delegates to attend the Washington State Democrats’ Convention on June 25 and participate in influencing the direction of the state party.

I’m writing to encourage you to run for delegate!

You can register to run for delegate here. Please note that the deadline for submitting your registration to run for delegate is Thursday, March 24 at 5:00 pm.

The State Convention will be a “hybrid” event, happening both in-person and online. Each delegate can decide whether they want to attend in-person in Tacoma or attend on Zoom from home (or wherever you are) instead.

I’ve been working with the Washington State Democrats for several years, and along with many others are working to make the party more progressive. I believe we can achieve this, which is why I continue to work with the state party and our 40th LD Democrats.

At the March 26 and June 25 events, your participation in helping to move the state party in a more progressive direction would be very helpful! The time commitment would be two or three hours on March 26 and a few hours on June 25. We do have the opportunity to have one delegate serve on each of three committees, Platform, Rules or Credentials. If you’d like to serve on one of these three committees as a delegate, that would require some more of your time prior to the June 25th State Convention.

I will be in Tacoma on June 25 to attend the State Convention in-person. That’s my obligation as the 40th LD Chair.

Register to run for delegate here by 5 pm on March 24: Here in the 40th LD, we can elect 28 delegates and 14 alternates. So we have some influence. Delegates to the State Convention will be voting on decisions like candidate nominations and approving and amending our state party platform, which sets forth the values we hold and want our elected officials to respect and adhere to in their legislative work. The state party and all the LDs across the state want to have solid and diverse representation. It’s my great hope that we will have a strong representation of cultural and gender diversity and people with disabilities among our delegates. So please share this request to run for delegate with friends you think might be interested.

Once again, I encourage you to register to run for delegate by 5 pm on March 24 using this form.

Remember, the deadline for submitting your registration to run for delegate is Thursday, March 24 at 5:00 pm, so please submit your registration form as soon as possible.

Thanks so much! And please contact me with any questions, by email or by phone at (360) 376-5773.