from Peter Hamilton for Lifeforce Ocean Friends —

On December 2, as Christmas time approaches, Lifeforce Ocean Friends found a four year old humpback named “Lorax” playing with a log off Comox Harbour, BC.

“Logging is a term referring to when whales and dolphins are resting. This rare type of “play logging” ads to our knowledge of their complex lives,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Ocean Friends Director, “I watched her repeatedly going back and forth diving with the large log, lifting it onto her head and actively playing with it. Her playtime lasted for over 45 minutes. Then she joined two other humpbacks.”

Hamilton added, “Over the years there have been five reported incidental sightings of similar behaviours with one of them also including Lorax. Lorax was born in 2014 to “Ripple” BCX1063. In 2015, she was the first Humpback to curiously approach the Lifeforce research boat when we relocated our work to Vancouver Island. She was alone because they are only raised by mom during the first year. This time she had no interest in the boat or me as she was totally immersed with the log.”

There is so much we have to learn about all complex, intelligent whales and dolphins. History has shown that humans were more interested in profits from the killing and captivity of these sentient beings. Industries have caused a broken ocean food chain. Fishing moratoriums on chinook, herring, and many others must be implemented or will be lost forever.

A diversity of wildlife adventures can replace the old ecologically harmful industries. For example, bird watching and wildlife photography are popular, lucrative businesses. It is time to be Eco Friendly or there will not be any orcas, fish and others.

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