Somewhere to Begin ~ A Path to Peace Sing-Along Concert, Friday, June 14, 7:30 pm at the Emmanuel Parish Hall, 242 Main St, Eastsound, WA

This concert will feature local Orcas Island musicians Tom Rawson & The Irthlingz Duo (Sharon Abreu & Michael Hurwicz), leading songs for peace, as we come together in song to heal our hearts and our world.

The concert is free and open to the public. Donations are welcome and will benefit Safe San Juans and World Beyond War. Sponsors are Emmanuel Episcopal Church and Irthlingz Arts-Based Environmental Education.

Tom Rawson is a folk singer, storyteller, songwriter, and Quaker peace activist. Armed with longneck banjo and other weapons of mass delight, Tom is a master of warmth and wit who travels throughout the Northwest sharing his musical treasures. From gospel to contemporary, profound to downright silly, Tom will have you singing, clapping, and laughing right along. Tune up your vocal chords; you’ll need ’em!

The Irthlingz Duo, Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz, bring rich vocal harmonies, a variety of woody, stringy instruments, and good humor to their concerts for peace and environmental healing. At a time when there is so much violence in the world, Sharon and Michael believe it’s more important than ever to raise our voices together, hold each other up emotionally, and create a safe space for expression, healing, and high vibrational energy. They’ve sung in concert with legendary folksinger Pete Seeger, at the NW Folklife Festival, and the United Nations.


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