Wednesday, October 16, 1 – 2 p.m., Orcas Senior Center

— from Lena Kassa for Orcas Senior Center —

The next Meeting of the Minds lecture at Orcas Senior Center will be The Keepers of the Patos Lighthouse on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 1 pm.

Edrie Vinson will guide us through a presentation on the iconic Patos Lighthouse. Patos Island is on the northmost point of the San Juan Islands. It is known for its remoteness and beauty.

In 1888, the Lighthouse Board recommended a light and fog signal be established on the island to complement one just established at East Point on Canada’s Saturna Island, situated on the opposite side of Boundary Pass. Since then the stories and adventures abound to this day. For example, Light on the Island by Helene Glidden tells the inside story of a family in the early 20th century living wild and coping with remoteness. The only communication with the mainland was by rowboat.

Join us to learn more about our island home.

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