Friday, May 20, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Orcas High School

— from Rebecca DeMerritt —

Orcas Island High School, Funhouse Commons, and Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce have collaborated to bring high school students this all day event. Inspire Orcas will be an exciting day of inspirational presentations, skill-based demonstrations, and a job fair.

This is an event that was requested by island teens and local businesses alike. The goal of Inspire Orcas is to provide students with an opportunity to hear adults from our community speak about their experiences, their career, and their passions. It is to motivate our students to think about their own potential and how they could construct a meaningful, fun, and interesting path with their lives.

Local professionals are invited to participate. If you have an inspirational story or a skill to share, you are invited to get involved. If you are looking for summer interns or employees, or if you are looking to mentor a young person who values your skills, you can participate in the afternoon job fair or just provide contact information to the Funhouse to be compiled for the students who are looking for employment and skill- building experiences.

Inspire Orcas will take place on May 20 and will be an all-day event at Orcas Island High School. The schedule for high school students will include:

  • Two morning sessions of inspiring stories by local professionals
  • Noon-time Guest Speaker- Adam Farish
  • BBQ lunch
  • “Try-a- Trade”- full afternoon of indoor/outdoor skill and career experiences with visiting guests in the culinary arts area, woodshop, art room, and metal shop
  • Workshops and Classes
  • Job Info Exchange- talk to local farmers, artists, military personnel, union members, local business owners, tradesmen, rangers, and craftsmen about their jobs and what it’s like to do what they do.

High school students from all schools and home-schoolers are invited to Inspire Orcas!

For more information contact or call Funhouse Commons, 376-7177