— by Domenic Verbano —
Dead of winter, Least of light.
In these times we see ourselves laid bare,
in dreariness, we behold our light filled chalice;
so dim, so thin, nearly empty? How can this be?
Collectively, we are almost devoid of light; humankind, can you see?
What happened?
Did we stumble at the Last?
So many Thousands of Years; how many lives have we waited for this moment, At Last?
Did we just lock the door, Now, and say No More, Not this Time?
I surely hope not…
It is only Fear that keeps us asleep, alone, in the dark crack.
Be Brave!
Be Courageous!!
Help Someone!!!
Help Yourselves!!!!
I give you one last chance, one last Wake-Up Call,
I am trying one last time:
To help all the souls I can…
Is there still time?
One last moment, in hopes you’ll all turn around,
and set things right, and bring your heads up from the ground.
My One Last Thought:
to Liberate! those who live in fear!
Detached, just alive in the Night, with nothing to hold Dear!
I ask this of you now – Step into Peace!
For there is a new Day Dawning!,
The Coming Of The Light!
From Biblical Times: Here at Last,
to Drive Away The Night!
And the shadows will flee, and Love will finally will Announce: Victory!!
For this awakening is not just for this year,
but for the Long Count,For the Long Time:
Thousands of years, Millions, maybe.
But the Earth is Ripe, and so the New Dawn is Here:
Are you ready?
To Ascend the Spiral?
To Open your Hearts to the Unity of All?

You are being asked, Home!

Melt yourself!
Give in to the Flow!
Do you remember? That You are All One, in the Land of the Light?
Separateness is an illusion, only this Night.
God is: The UNITY OF ALL!
Love and Fear are only choices, only paths you choose to follow:
that take you closer or further from yourself,
from this Unity of All.
So, the choice is yours,
It is time to Choose:
Where are you headed,
When the new World Dawns?
What you need to know:
IS That The Earth Has Chosen Love!
What will you do?
Will you Follow?
Please do!
We’ll be waiting for You!
So Choose wisely, now, my Friends.
For you Choose You Must,
For the Time Is Now!
Love and Light To You All,