Thursday, December 24, 3 pm, Benson Hall

— from Suzanne Olson & Susan McBain —

Childs Xmas in WalesPlease join us for this beloved tradition: Howard Barbour will read the Dylan Thomas classic, A Child’s Christmas in Wales. He even does the voices. Bring your family, friends and neighbors – a flier is attached.

Please bring cookies to share following the reading.

All are welcome.

Also, we are ON for the Community Food Bank Luncheon December 29. The Garden Club will provide a number of main dishes and dessert, so it looks like sides, soups and salads will be welcome. Please drop off your dish by 11:30, or come then and stay to help serve and clean up.

Please let Susan McBain know if you can help and what you’ll bring: or 3497. If you need an item picked up, let her know that also.

NEXT SERVICE: Thursday, January 3rd @ 11:30am in Benson Hall -Chalice Circle led by Sharon Abreu: “A New Year: What will we do do with this great gift of Time?”

Please let us know if you need a ride – or have any other needs that the Fellowship may be able to help with. Kathy Hendrickson is our Caring Coordinator. Contact her ( when you need a hand.

Hope to see you on Thursday!