— from Sharon Abreu —

This Wednesday, Dec. 16 on Lopez, Sharon Abreu will be leading the songs for the “Healing of the Nations” service at Center Church, 312 David Bay Road at 5 pm. The service lasts about an hour. Those traveling from Orcas Island can catch the 7:30 pm ferry back to Orcas.

Patty Johnson will play piano and Ginni Keith will play flute. This is the third year the trio has given the service, which is made up of some prayers and short songs which people can learn on the spot and sing along with. And there is a candle lighting ceremony. I hope you can come! It’s a very heart-filling service and the songs are beautiful.

And on Orcas, I’ll be singing two services at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, a Lessons & Carols service at 5 pm on Sunday, Dec. 20, and a Christmas Eve service at 8 pm on Thursday, Dec. 24.

Come sing carols with good friends! I’ll be singing two arias from Handel’s MESSIAH at the Lessons & Carols service – “Rejoice Greatly” and “Come Unto Him” and a couple of other solo pieces at the Christmas Eve service.