Arron Redford and Jami Mitchell tell Santa and Mrs. Claus that they've been very, VERY good at the Senior Center

Arron Redford and Jami Mitchell tell Santa and Mrs. Claus that they’ve been very, VERY good at the Senior Center

 — from Arron Redford, Senior Center Manager–

On Nov. 28, the Senior Center was filled with the spirit of magic at this year’s Holiday Festival. I felt an overwhelming appreciation for the members of the board who have sat on committees here in the past and to Jane Heisinger who led this event for nearly a decade. So much of what we accomplished last weekend was made possible by the super-human efforts of previous years.

It was exciting to meet the vendors as they came in the night before to set up. I was inspired along with the rest of our community by each treasure and masterpiece they brought to our tables. There are so many of you who look forward to this event every year and we are encouraged and overjoyed that you keep coming back for more!

We had a spectacular line-up of musicians for this years’ event and I would like to thank Faith Heath, Katie Jensen, Skye Hovelman, Ron Myers, Marilyn Parman and Grace McCune for sharing their time and talents with us. It was such an honor and a treat to have Bill Patterson come into our kitchen and bring Chimayo to you! To Scot and Judy Whiting we offer our tallest glass of milk and fullest plate of cookies for bringing Joy to children of all ages.

Thank-you to Karen Blinn and Betty Hall for the donation of their beautiful quilts. Thanks to all of you who stopped at the Island Market or came in to the Senior Center to purchase a ticket. Thanks to the Orcas Island Fire Department, Alice and Wally Logan, Andy Wilsey, Joyce Greene and Maggie Kaplan for their contributions our silent auction. Thank-you to all the volunteers and bakers who participated in the Bake Sale and to Linda Todd for leading the charge.

I am deeply indebted to all of the volunteers who worked tirelessly on the night before and on the day of the event to perform countless selfless duties. It is to you that I pass on all of the praise and congratulations that I have been receiving over this past week.
