Updated Nov. 16 at 9 p.m.

Thursday Nov. 17, 3:30 p.m. on School House Road/School Lawn

By Morgan Meadows

On Thursday, local residents, along with members of the American Dream Movement, will join a nationwide day of action called “We Are the 99%” with a peaceful assembly in Eastsound.

The intent is to urge politicians in Washington to invest in job creation and require the millionaires on Wall Street to pay their fair share.

The “We Are the 99%” day of action is being organized in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protests taking place across the country. Events are being held at crumbling bridges, understaffed schools, and other sites that show local symptoms of a failed economy.

The American Dream Movement is made up of millions Americans, along with dozens of leading grassroots organizations, working together for good jobs for all Americans, securing a future for our children and our communities.

The peaceful rallies are being held just before the Congressional Super Committee’s deadline to submit a debt reduction proposal to Congress.

All are invited.