In its effort to continue offering programming during COVID, Orcas Senior Center once again offers Your Life in Words, an online workshop that focuses on the desire to write one’s life story beginning January 27, 2021.

Facilitated by Diane Craig, reporter and office manager at the Islands’ Sounder and Orcas District Committee secretary, Craig describes the six-week course as an “opportunity to write the story you’ve always wanted to share, the one friends and family have said you should write.”

Anyone who has thought about writing their life story, but unsure of where or how to begin, is invited to participate. Participants should have access to an internet connection, preferably an audio and visual connection, however those with only an audio connection won’t be turned away.

Facing a blank sheet of paper with a heart full of stories can feel daunting. Your Life in Words will focus on making the process a little more welcoming and comfortable and, hopefully, more productive.

For questions or to register, email Diane at penwithlady@icloud.com and put Workshop in the subject line. The number of participants is limited to 12 at this time. Cost: $45 OSC members; $60 guests. Ten percent of registration revenue will be donated back to Orcas Senior Center to help with the costs of the valuable services they provide our community.

For more information about Orcas Senior Center’s program offerings, visit orcasseniors.org.