Saturday, December 21 from 1-3 p.m. at the Library

LEAVING AND ARRIVING: Reflections On Our Journeys to Orcas with Rachel Newcombe and JoEllen Moldoff, facilitators.

The majority of us living on Orcas Island have lived somewhere else: we have a shared experience of what it feels like to leave one place and take root in another.

What did it feel like for you to leave and make a life on Orcas? What happens in the ineffable space between leaving, arriving and feeling at home?

On Saturday December 21st, JoEllen Moldoff and Rachel Newcombe, Orcas Island residents, New York City expats, lovers of the library and friends, invite you to join them in exploring the topic, LEAVING AND ARRIVING: Reflections On Our Journeys to Orcas.

We will engage in writing exercises that enable us to articulate the experience of leaving one’s home of origin and arriving on Orcas Island. No two people will have the same story but what we all share is the experience of confronting the unknown.

Join us for an intimate and exploratory writing session as we share our ongoing stories of becoming known to ourselves and others.

All are welcome!