The monthly Writer’s Roundtable on Saturday, October 13 will address “Old Friend From Far Away”: Inviting Memories.

The title of this month’s Writer’s Roundtable comes from a recent book by writer Natalie Goldberg (author of Writing Down The Bones), on the practice of memoir writing. Using prompts from this and other sources, as well as images, we will share our insights and experiences that are meaningful for memoir writing. Join fellow writers to be re-inspired to begin and/or continue to tell your stories—in prose and poem.

JoEllen Moldoff is the group facilitator. It meets from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Public Library on Rose Street in Eastsound. 376-4985

First Grade

William Stafford

In the play Amy didn’t want to be
anybody; so she managed the curtain.
Sharon wanted to be Amy. But Sam
wouldn’t let anybody be anybody else
he said it was wrong. “All right,” Steve said,
“I’ll be me but I don’t like it.”
So Amy was Amy, and we didn’t have the play.
And Sharon cried.