Submissions are now being accepted for monologues in preparations for Monologue Night on June 12 at Orcas Center. A presentation on writing monologues will be held at the Orcas Center in April.

Writers are encouraged to submit up to three monologues of one-to-three minute duration to by May 26, 2009. Or drop your hardcopy off at Orcas Center. Electronic copies are preferred.

Sometimes writers mistake an essay or a short story for a monologue. An overview of writing monologues and reading monologues will be held April 20 at 6:30 on Center Stage. This overview is highly recommended to those who have not participated in Monologue Night before. There is no fee.

The monologues must be written in a fictitious character’s voice. The character tells what happened when he/she engaged in art (as in anything artistic).

The work can be an “external” monologue (an account of something that happened) or an “internal” monologue (a look into the emotional and cognitive process the character went through).

Please put in your email if you intend to read or if you want an actor to read it for you at Monologue Night.

The performance will include three to four artistic experiences by local performers, and the International Improv group in residence will act out the essences the monologues.

Monologue Night on the OffCenter Stage is on June 12 at 7:30 p.m.

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