Map shows area of proposed Navy operations expansion

Map shows area of proposed Navy operations expansion

from Olympic Peninsula Environmental News, with thanks to Susan Malins for alerting us to this issue

The Navy is attempting to expand their operating area in the Northwest, and in Puget Sound in particular.

As you can see from their map, an expanded Chinook zone, right over Port Townsend, an area in blue right in the middle of the bay where they want to blow up old armaments, along with a restricted zone on Whidbey directly across from us, would create a variety of issues for us. Expanded noise pollution of an unknown amount of helicopters flying overhead whenever they want, along underseas weapons testing, are only two of the effects.

Please take a few moments and register your views. The deadline is MARCH 11th. The location to put in your comments is here:

Background to this story, in much greater detail can be found in a variety of news sources, but I and other contributors to this blog feel that the recent Seattle Times article, “U.S. Navy seeks to boost practice exercises off West Coast, in region, By Michelle Ma, is worth the read. As the Times stated,

But a number of local scientists and environmental groups say the Navy shouldn’t go forward until it completes a more comprehensive report on environmental impacts, plus suggests more alternatives to the plan. Critics say the current report is vague and incomplete, especially because the training range covers the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary off Washington. The sanctuary’s advisory council agrees the current report lacks specific information on training activities, said Terrie Klinger, a University of Washington associate professor of marine affairs and chairwoman of the sanctuary’s advisory council.

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