The Orcas Island Community Church is happy to invite you to the annual Women’s Spring Luncheon.  This event will be held at 11:30 a..m on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at Rosario’s Discovery House.  Our lunch this year will be catered by Ryan and Matthew Carpenter, chefs at Deer Harbor Restaurant.

The featured inspirational speaker will be Diana Stuhr, author / poet.  The topic will be “Sharing Our Loving God’s Awesome Handwork in Choosing and Designing Each of Us as Proclaimed in Psalm 139.”

Diana’s background includes being a registered nurse and working with missions.  She worked as a nurse in Guatemala with Central American Mission and in Ethiopia with World Vision.  She joined Wycliffe in 1988 and worked in administration for 15 years in the Philippines.  She currently resides in Portland, Oregon and is training new members of Wycliffe.

Diana authored the book “He Spoke, I Listened.”  A reviewer stated that, “This book reflects so beautifully on many events in the Bible that are so easy to take for granted due to familiarity.  The small details about Jesus‘ ministry that are easy to overlook.  She has a gift to write with humor, candor, and humility.”  Diana also co-authored three books about religion and spirituality.

The Luncheon is open to all women who would like to enjoy a superb meal and hear Diana Stuhr share her stories and insights with us.  The cost is $30 per person and reservations are required.

Reservations must be received no later than Friday, April 29, 2011.  Please make checks payable to: Orcas Island Community Church or “OICC.” Write “Spring Luncheon” on the memo line.   Send to: Susan Clark, PO Box 235, Orcas, WA 98280.

Partial and full scholarships are available.  Call Susan Clark at 376-7046 for further information.







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