San Juan Island group to host State Legislators on June 13

On Monday June 13, the LWV of the San Juans invites all interested members of the public to hear Washington state legislators report on their recent work in Olympia at 12 noon, June 13 at the San Juan Island Library.

Senator Kevin Ranker and Representative Kris Lytton are scheduled to attend and  update attendees about the recently concluded legislative session.

Those interested in attending the June 13 meeting on San Juan Island may contact 378-1082. Transportation from the ferry can be arranged.

Later in the week,  the Orcas Contingent of the League of Women Voters of the San Juans will hold a meeting on Wednesday, June 15 at the Outlook Inn.

The agenda  following organizational meetings earlier this spring,will include:

1) LWV Membership drive — annual membership is $50, beginning June 1

2) Appearance at the July 2 parade and voter registration table/booth at the Orcas Island Historical Days Fair

3) Push for voter registration in advance of the November elections

4) Public access via videoconferencing at public meetings

Mindy Kayl will be organizing the July parade event, and will be contacting registered and prospective members – this is the 90th year of the League of Women Voters, so it should be cause for great celebration!

In all, the Orcas group is intent on honoring the LWV Mission Statement: “The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.”

Margie Doyle, Mindy Kayl and Marian O’Brien are representatives-at-large for the League of Women Voters of the San Juans.

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