If dogs could talk..... at the Sustainability Fair, May 1, 2010

Meet the Candidates June 5

By Dale Heisinger, President, Board of Directors, Children’s House

The Eastsound Honorary Mayoral Campaing kicks off on Saturday, June 5, on the Village Green at 11:00 am.

Yes, it’s hard to believe that Mayor Dakota’s term will end July 3rd, with the announcement of a new Mayor, but we should all show our appreciation for the exemplary service he brought to Eastsound during his year in office.

His accomplishments were many, not the least of which was his campaign against crime in our community.  And I have it on good authority (although the Sheriff’s Dept. might dispute this) that he single-footly ran Colton Harris- Moore off the island. Good job!

But don’t despair because there are five (5) quadripeds vying for his job……….April returns as a candidate, only because Dave Johnson of the Sunflower Cafe was so distraught over the cow’s loss last year, that we thought we could lift his spirits by bringing her back.  Also, she’s not getting any younger!

Michael Rivkin and Jeffri Colman of Crow Valley Pottery are sponsoring their dog Clara, and have (prematurely, in my opinion) declared that Clara is preparing her victory bark.

Bossy the sheep of Bossy Feltworks is preparing her campaign, however if you have seen The Feltwork’s cute little wooly creatures at the Village Green, you may notice that some of those fibers came from Bossy, and there are now bare spots on her back.

If you have ever seen Don Tompkins’ Model T Ford Pickup with well-behaved dogs in the back, you will welcome Lori Mikolin’s Lucky Lu, a border collie off-spring of Don’s dogs.  Clearly, Lucky Lu should be a very honest and well-behaved Mayoral candidate when you consider his genetic constitution…….really, has anyone ever seen one of Don’s  dog’s misbehave?

And finally, our last candidate is Adam and Sara Farish’s (of Outlook Inn) Tractor the cat.  Perhaps the most controversial candidate since he has been known to leave the hearth at night in order to prowl outside for who know”s what………I can only imagine.

There you have it.  Look for our envelopes at businesses on Orcas, remember $1 per vote, and to vote often……..it’s for Children’s House and the preschool children of Orcas whom we serve.

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