The fact is most folks on Orcas are old. As of 2020, more than half of islanders were 55 or older (Washington State Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division, August 2012). Social service and health promotion funding prioritizes those under 40, especially children and youth. While kids are a compelling focus for prevention investments, those 19 and under comprise only about 15% of our population.

The only demographic group predicted to increase over the next 15 years is people aged 75 and older. This group is projected to increase from 12% of the population in 2016 to 22% in 2035 (2036 San Juan County Comprehensive Plan Update, August 2, 2018). Today’s seniors have invested in social and educational services for others for over 40-50 years, yet many services like Medicaid-funded home care are not readily available here.

Prevention is essential across the lifespan. Working closely with San Juan County and Whatcom Council on Aging, Orcas Senior Center (OSC) provides numerous health promotion classes and activities; as well as nutritious meals three days a week. OSC also advocates for local public policy and budgets that include and prioritize seniors. To learn more, go to www.orcasseniors.org.