Thursday, June 19, Orcas Food Co-op at lunchtime for a casual conversation; Emmanuel Church Hall, 7 p.m.; Reception/Book Signing at Darvill’s, 8 p.m.

— from Gretchen Krampf —

VickiRobinThrive San Juan Islands welcomes best-selling South Whidbey author, Vicki Robin to San Juan, Lopez and Orcas Islands in mid-June. Vicki will speak about her new book, Blessing the Hands that Feed Us: What Eating Closer to Home Can Teach Us About Food, Community and Our Place on Earth.

She will share how her experiment in 10-mile eating not only changed how she ate, but also renewed her hope and rooted her in her community. She calls this “relational eating.” Vicki went on to investigate how we might restore the vitality of our regional food systems so everyone could have the benefit of relational eating – healthy food, healthy communities.

Vicki is being hosted by the San Juan Islands Ag Guild and Griffin Bay Books at The Brickworks in Friday Harbor on Tuesday, June 17th from 5-7PM.

Lopez Locavores, Transition Lopez and the Lopez Bookstore will co-host Vicki for a tour of Lopez farms, followed by a presentation at the Lopez Library on Wednesday, June 18th at 7PM.

Thursday, June 19th, come by the new Orcas Food Co-op at lunchtime for a casual conversation, and then join us for a presentation at Emmanuel Church Hall at 7PM, followed by a Reception/Book Signing at Darvill’s at 8PM. Orcas events are co-hosted by Darvill’s, Orcas Farm to Cafeteria, Heartwood Inspired Living and the Orcas Food Coop.