This week, many Orcas Islanders have found “goody boxes” on their doorstep from OPALCO.  Suzanne Olson, Communications specialist at OPALCO, explained these brown box Energy Efficiency Kits.

OPALCO sent out the kits from Niagara Conservation Co. to more than 6,000 members who live full-time in OPALCO’s service territory. The kits contain:

  • (2) 23-watt (100 watt equivalent) new-generation Energy Star rated compact fluorescent lightbulbs
  • (2) 20-watt (75 watt equivalent) new-generation Energy Star rated compact fluorescent lightbulbs
  • (1) 13 watt (60 watt equivalent) new-generation Energy Star rated compact fluorescent lightbulb
  • (2) low-flow showerheads
  • (1) kitchen faucet aerator
  • (1) bathroom faucet aerator
  • tips for conserving energy and water

OPALCO is committed to energy efficiency and to giving co-op members the information and tools they need to make good choices, conserve energy and save money on their power bills, said Olson.

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), from whom OPALCO purchases power through transmission lines from the Columbia River to Anacortes and from there by submarine cables to San Juan County, awards OPALCO a Conservation Rate Credit on its power bill for specific, quantifiable conservation measures such as these efficiency kits.

This BPA Conservation Rate Credit paid for the energy efficient kits, and by sending them out to coop members with San Juan County addresses in OPALCO’s service area, OPALCO can then apply the credits allotted to them by BPA.

The life of a compact fluorescent lightbulb (CFL) is 10,000 hours – 13 times longer than an incandescent bulb. The value to members by the numbers (using OPALCO’s retail rate @ $0.0758 per kWh):

  • Over the life of one 23-watt compact fluorescent lightbulb (CFL) there is a savings of 770 kilowatt hours (kWh) – which equates to $58.00 in the members’ pockets.
  • If you replace five incandescent bulbs in your home with all five CFLs included in the kit, you will save some 3,110 kWh and $236 over the life of the bulb.
  • If 6,000 members install just one of the four 23-watt CFLs there would be a combined savings of 4,620,000 kWh over the life of the bulbs – which equates to $350,000 in savings.
  • If 4,620 OPALCO homes that use an average of 1,000 kWh per month participated, the savings over the course of a year for each member would equate to an average month’s bill.
  • If 6,000 members install all five CFLs, there would be a Co-op wide savings of 18,660,000 kWh and $1,414,440.
  • Low-flow showerheads and efficient aerators not only save water, but electricity that runs pumps and most significantly hot water heating. According to BPA, the average energy savings per low-flow showerhead installed is 223 kWh per year. If 6,000 members installed two low-flow showerheads, the savings would equal 2,676,000 kWh and $220,840.

Olson says, “The value to the Cooperative is conservation of energy, building load management practices and the strength of having an educated core of member-owners with a growing commitment to energy efficiency.

More  OPALCO  energy efficiency programs

In addition to the energy efficiency kits, most of BPA’s Conservation Rate Credits are aimed at getting the biggest bang for the buck – and that means bigger and usually commercial users. OPALCO has two programs for commercial members: Energy Smart and Commercial Lighting.

The Energy Smart Program provides grocers or any business with a significant refrigeration or HVAC load with a complete set of services for HVAC, lighting, and refrigeration retrofits. Skilled Field Energy Analysts (FEA) and trained Preferred Contractors deliver services in the field; the combination delivers high participation in this prescriptive rebate program.  Services include:

  • No-Cost energy audit
  • Site-specific energy savings analysis
  • Recommendations for energy-efficient upgrades
  • Direct installation of quick payback measures
  • Contractor participation
  • Preferred contractor management
  • Technical consultation
  • Financial rebates and rebate application assistance

The Commercial Lighting Retrofit Program provides a free lighting audit and connects businesses with the latest advances and financial rebates in lighting technology.

OPALCO also helps members with energy efficient purchases such as Energy Star appliances and renewable generation projects by coordinating rebate programs from local, state and federal sources.

In addition, energy efficient Marathon hot water heaters, CFLs, LED holiday lights and low-flow showerheads are available for purchase at OPALCO’s offices.

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