–by Lin McNulty, Managing Editor —

We usually know when OPALCO is planning a power outage, and we normally get plenty of advance notice. The first notification usually comes in the form of widely-visible alerts to local media. Last night, however, many received a recorded phone message from OPALCO as the first and only advisory.

Yesterday afternoon, OPALCO’s crew was prepared to help Nickel Bros with the transport of a house arriving from the Bellevue area to Orcas.

In getting ready for that event, at about 3:40 p.m., the crew found a broken switch on the overheard transmission line, which made it unsafe to operate that switch as planned. In order to safely facilitate the house move, the crew made a decision to take an outage. The first outage, scheduled from 10-11pm (in actuality, it lasted from 10:18 – 10:48pm), allowed the transmission line to be de-energized as the house moved under the line.

Once the house move was scheduled to be complete, the crew took a second outage from approximately 3-6 a.m. to repair the broken transmission switch so that the line could be safely closed in (energized).