Orcas Senior Center (OSC) is raising money to purchase San Juan County’s 49% interest of the building. With use of the entire building, OSC could expand social services for people of all ages and abilities. We could sponsor more social events including parties, dances, movies, and live entertainment. We might offer a coffee bar or an outdoor courtyard. Anyone for carry-out Thai food?

With adequate space OSC could broaden its menu of educational and intellectual activities with adult or intergenerational classes. We could sponsor the Academy for Life-long Learning in association with Whatcom Community College.

San Juan County (SJC) Senior Services already facilitates caregiver support groups in the building, while the Public Health clinic serves seniors and people of all ages. Our hope is that these SJC services will continue to share the building with us.

The transition won’t be quick. We recognize the importance of maintaining County services on the island and will continue to work with the County to ensure there is no sudden disruption in County services. We also want to recognize the support and encouragement we have received from County leadership and staff all along the way, and we look forward to continuing our close collaboration going forward.

With more space, other groups that align with our mission also could provide services onsite. The Senior Center intends to sponsor a “Memory Café” and, in partnership with the Orcas Island Lions Club, respite services for people with memory loss/dementia, their families, and caregivers.

The center already provides a regular schedule of recreational activities, health and wellness classes, and health screenings, but space is limited to expand these offerings beyond what is already being provided. You can help!

Donations may be made to the Orcas Senior Center Building Purchase & Renovation Fund at Orcas Island Community Foundation at https://oicf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create/fund?funit_id=3186 or by contacting OSC directly at admin@orcasseniors.org. Thank you for helping us write the next exciting chapter of the Orcas Senior Center’s story!

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