— by Lin McNullty —

I am way past the stage in life where I need to “get” something for Christmas. Anything additional just adds to the clutter in my small seaside cottage. I have everything I need.

Yet, there remains one potentially really big thing that I would like as a Christmas gift; it’s actually a gift that keeps giving every day.

I would like everyone of Orcas Issues readers to click HERE daily to feed a homeless war veteran. On any given night, there are an estimated 200,000 of our former warriors sleeping on the streets. There is no cost and you can subscribe to receive a daily email reminder to make your click. The meals are paid for by the supporters on the site.

I will have no way of knowing how many of you will actually subscribe, but those of you who do will have a warm glow about you each and every day. Perhaps that is how I shall recognize you.