“Gear Up” Workshop for Marine Naturalists on April 21, 2018 and Earth Day Workshop on April 22, 2018

— from Tracie Merrill for Whale Museum —

You are invited to join The Whale Museum for two special programs in April: the “Gear Up” Workshop for marine naturalists on April 21 followed by an Earth Day Workshop in partnership with the National Park Service on April 22.

On Saturday, April 21, the “Gear Up” Workshop will be held at the San Juan Island Grange Hall in Friday Harbor from 10 am to 4 pm. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. for registration. Invited presenters include: Ken Balcomb (Founder/Principal Investigator of Center for Whale Research) on the state of Southern Resident Killer Whale recovery; Stephanie Solien (Vice Chair of the Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council and Co-Chair of Orca Recovery Task) on Governor Inslee’s Executive Order 18-02: Southern Resident Killer Whale Recovery and Task Force; Russ Mullins (Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife) on enforcement in the Salish Sea; and, Dennis McLerran (Former EPA Region 10 Administrator) on policy issues and impacts on salmon recovery. A no-host reception will follow the workshop on Saturday evening at Mike’s Café & Wine Bar.

On Sunday, April 22, the Earth Day Workshop will be held in partnership with the National Park Service at the San Juan Island Grange Hall and at American Camp. Topics include: a workshop in interpretation, NPS style; a facilitated session on ideas and design of the new American Camp Interpretative Center; a guided walk-through of proposed educational look-outs at American Camp; and a hands on “Earth Day” give back to American Camp. This day ends with a hosted social hour at South Beach.

For each day, the registration fee is $35 for non-members; $25 for TWM or SSAMN members. Lunch can be pre-ordered for an additional $10 per day. For more information or to register for either or both these events, members visit whalemuseum.org/products/gear-up-members, and non-members visit whalemuseum.org/products/gear-up-non-members or call (360) 378-4710 ext. 30.

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