||| by Lin McNulty, Editor |||

Here we are! A redesign of Orcas Issues has been front of mind for a very long time. When the pandemic hit and our workload almost tripled, and the government sent me $1,200, it seemed like the perfect time to create a new look and new name (at request of previous owner).

With the invaluable help of a previous co-worker, Shane Watson of oreganoproductions.com, who designed our animal logos, and Darin Leong of bloomingmindmedia.com, not to mention the support of Minor Lile, Matthew Gilbert, and Susan McBain of theOrcasonian staff, it somehow came together. Orcas Issues is now theOrcasonian.com.

There are still some improvements and additions to be added, so we aren’t totally done yet. And we have new features in mind, including, as budget allows, a Marketplace section for “classified ads.” It is, of course, our hope that you will find our new website to be even more valuable and easier to navigate to any of our daily stories. There’s also the possibility that no one will like it, but if that’s the case, I just don’t want to know it right now. This has been a long, strange trip.

If you are not currently a supporter, you are invited to name your price by clicking HERE. It’s your support that keeps us going.


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