Saturday, May 11 at 11 a.m. at Funhouse Commons

Weight Watchers is inviting everyone to come to the Funhouse Commons for a Celebration of Success. A journey started in January has resulted in the members having a collective weight loss of over 400 pounds. Individuals have reached personal goals and several will be receiving Lifetime awards in the next few weeks. According to Leader, Carol Kulminski, this has been an amazing group. “Where else can you learn to peel and freeze Cuties? Mix cayenne pepper with salt so you shake out less salt and more flavor? Or sprinkle wine vinegar on vegetables to make them come alive? Make kale chips that even the kids will eat?” Amazing!

Carol and Terri Gilleland who was recently hired by Weight Watchers to be the receptionist at the meetings, are constantly inspired by the stories that the members share. One woman went from diabetic to pre-diabetic. Another was told by her doctor that the pain in her knees could go away with surgery or by losing weight. With a loss of over 20 pounds, the pain is gone. One woman shared that she went shopping for a bathing suit and got a size without the X. Amazing!

Many of the members say the support and encouragement at the meetings really makes a difference. The public is invited to hear more stories, learn about the program, and become a part of this successful, Yes! Amazing! weight loss group at 11:00 am on Saturday, May 11th at the Funhouse Commons.

You can contact Carol at if you have any questions.