“Celebrating Orcas Farms” was the theme of the Parade. All entries went to support the Eastsound Fireworks Display on July 4th.

We were lined up from Pioneer Park at North Beach Road to the Community Church on Madrona Street — kids, horses, flag-wavers, wagons, politicians, road crews, book-readers, cars, puppets, dogs and Odd Fellows — and farmers! The parade theme this year is “Grow, Gather, Share: Celebrating Orcas Farms.” Emily Reid rode in style as Grand Marshal of the Parade this year.

Ken and Karen Key Speck coordinate the Chamber of Commerce Community Parade


We were waiting for the parade  on the sidewalks and curbs of North Beach Road, past the assembled Community Band and Community Parade Bandstand. Ken and Karen Speck announced each entry as it passed in front of  the real estate office of Cherie Lindholm, and kept the pace and patter flowing evenly and safely, even as horses threatened to step on curbside children.


We were celebrating an unusually fair-weathered 4th of July – Independence Day – Chamber of Commerce Community Parade.  The parade followed the Orcas Firefighters Pancake Breakfast and the  first-ever Funhouse Commons 5K run.


The LIONs float in the parade, before fixing their annual salmon barbeque at the Eastsound Fire Hall

The Orcas LIONS service club hosted the annual Salmon Barbeque throughout the afternoon.


And so our fabulous Parade Season, starting with St. Patrick’s Day, going through the Shakespeare Festival, April Fool’s Day, Earth Day, Summer Solstice and culminating today, is over for another year. See you at the Homecoming Parade this fall!