— from Teresa Chocano —

As we emerge from the gloom of winter, the Orcas Montessori School would like the island community to know what activities are emerging at the school this spring. Family Conversations, Open House for prospective families and our Spring Celebration and Auction.

Starting Soon for Parents:
The Orcas Montessori School will be hosting three evenings for parents. Entitled “How Satisfied are you with your Family Conversations,” the sessions can be attended as a series or stand alone. They are all free for parents, grandparents, relatives, and any family member over 11 .
The conversations will be held at the Fire Hall from 5:30-7.

Free childcare is available at the Montessori School during the sessions. From 5:15-7:15. If you will be using the childcare, you must RSVP to the school one week in advance of each evening.

March 22: No one is Born a Parent. Presented by Marti Monroe, PhD. this evening is for parents, teachers, families and everyone interested in a more effective life and relationships. Become acquainted with and practice effective parenting skills.

April 11: Respectful Talk with Self and Others. Led by Marti Monroe, PhD. Discover how to have peaceful and effective conversations with members of your family, including you.

May 10 : The Ties that Bind. Presented by Mary Anne Owen, retired psychotherapist.
Learn about family systems, why you are predisposed to behave as you do, and how you might make some changes.

For Families
April 1: Open House from 10-1
We will be hosting an Open House for interested families. Please come tour the school, meet our staff and learn more about how our program can benefit your child and family. Find out what makes Montessori education special.

For Members of the Community
April 29 : Under the Sea Celebration and Auction on Saturday from 6-9 at Random Howse. Enjoy yourself with live entertainment and delicious local cuisine, while our host Mark Padbury inspires us to support our local Montessori Early Education Program. Tickets may be purchased at Darvill’s, at the door or by calling the school at 376-5350. Register for childcare no later than April 24.