I just got this text from Rep.  Ramel.  He, Rep. Lekanoff and Senator Lovelett have been pushing hard for the ferry funding in this package.  It is just exciting to see them so close to passing this thing FINALLY!

We have a deal on the multi-year transportation package!

While we still have to go through the committee process, the framework agreement, called Move Ahead Washington is a huge deal. This came out of priorities we heard last year in over 90 listening sessions. While the budget is smaller than it might have been, we are focused on:

    • Preserving our infrastructure (roads, bridges, ferries, and sidewalks)
    • Reducing carbon emissions
    • Expanding safe, accessible, affordable options to get around
    • Addressing the harm caused by past transportation policies

Highlights include:

    • Construction of 4 more hybrid ferries and funding the Governor’s proposed workforce investments in WSF.
    • 3.1 billion for transit programs and projects
    • More than $1 billion for active transportation including safe routes to school and connecting communities grants
    • $2 B to fund fish passage barrier removal (culverts)
    • $3 billion towards highway maintenance
    • Much smaller investments in new highway projects

The proposed funding plan includes a one-time transfer from the state’s general fund, federal dollars from the Infrastructure and Jobs Act, investments from the Climate Commitment Act, and an exported fuel tax. There is no gas tax increase in this proposal.

You’ll be able to see project lists HERE.