||| by Minor Lile, Staff Reporter |||

It’s Labor Day weekend, the traditional end of the summer season. Which leads to this month’s Village Voices question:

What will you most remember about the summer of 2020?

With the monthly Village Voices series, we aim to take the pulse of the Orcas Island community. Every month we’ll be out and about, asking people to share their point of view on a particular topic. Sometimes the questions will be serious, sometimes more light-hearted. We invite you to join the conversation by sharing your response in the comments area.

Asked at the last Farmer’s Market of the season, on September 5, 2020

(comments have been lightly edited for clarity)

Reed: It has to be the whole COVID thing. That’s what really sticks in my mind.

Artha: COVID #1. Trump #2: terrifying, absolutely terrifying. #3: Being thrown out of my house because of a failed plumbing issue and feeling completely without anything under my feet. The combination of all these has led to a couple of meltdowns. I don’t usually have that happen, but it’s been difficult. And finally, the kindness of people, of the community here, and being able to find a place to have a roof over my head for the interim.

Eric: For me it’s been the strange dynamic of separation and togetherness. On the one hand, we’re all social distancing and having to keep apart from each other in our communities. On the other, there’s been a deeper closeness with those we spend our lives at home with. So the experience of feeling more separation and more togetherness both at the same time.

Hailey: My answer is kind of philosophical. I think that for me it is the recognition of the fragility of everything. There are the fires in California, which are reflective of the underlying environmental situation, there’s the virus, politics, just all of it. And there’s just a feeling of everything being so fragile right now.

Lynn & Glen: That’s an easy one, we got married. The ceremony was at the Peace Arch since one of us is Canadian and the other is from the US. There’s a no mans land between the two borders where we had the ceremony. So we will always remember this as the summer that we were married.

We invite you to join the conversation.

What will you most remember about the summer of 2020?

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