Watch recordings of online forums featuring candidates that will be on San Juan County ballots this November. Below are links to the recordings of the League of Women Voters of the San Juans forums held from Oct. 6-8. To view the recordings, click each link, register and enter each forum’s unique passcode.

  • Oct. 6 forum featuring U.S. Congressional District 2 candidates Rick Larsen and Timothy Hazelo:
    • Watch
    • Passcode: ?8p!B=dt
  • Oct. 7 forum featuring San Juan County Council candidates Cindy Wolf, Rick Hughes, Christine Minney and Ryan Palmateer:
    • Watch
    • Passcode: ^5Q^lwbs
  • Oct. 8 forum featuring Washington state Legislative District 40 Senate candidate Liz Lovelett; Washington state representatives for Legislative District 2 candidates Alex Ramel and Russ Dzialo:
    • Watch
    • Passcode: ^7Ua#b!p

Ballots will be mailed by Oct. 16. Drop ballots in a local drop box by 8 p.m. or mail with free postage. Ballots must be in the mail by the last USPS pick up and postmarked by Nov. 3. Voters can view their personal ballots with answers about their community from local candidates at the league’s Vote411.org. For more information on the islands’ league, visit our Facebook page.